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Why you should create more things

create more

For the past year I have been trying to explore and create more things, such as websites, blogs and much more.

I have done this mostly since I wanted to change my mindset from being a consumer to a creator. In today’s age its so easy to just consume things, and a big reason to this is because of social media.

Today, the average person spends about 3 hours on their phone consuming content. And even though some of this content may be useful, most of it isn’t. At the same, there are also so many benefits of creating things, such as learning, earning an income, and finding new interests.

Start small

When you create something it seems like much people think that its need to be something big or useful, but that’s not the case. I think the most important thing is that you just create things, since most of the things you create will not be that good and you learn by doing.

One thing that all of the great artist have in common is just that they created a lot of things, and that’s how you become great. Don’t set so have expectations on yourself in the beginning since most you will not be that good when you start. However, the good thing is that you will become better with time.

The most important thing is that you start, and you can start small. It does not need to be something big or useful. Remember that every big journey begin with small steps.

Create something every day

Another goal that I like is to create something new everyday. It could be a blogpost, painting, instagram post, youtube video or a little python script.

Then, why should you create something everyday? I think it’s important to create something everyday because of two reason.

Firstly, when you create something new you also learn something new, and we should all try to learn more things. Learning is fun, good for our brain function and it makes you to a more interesting person.

Secondly, when you create something new and explore new subjects, you also have the possibility of opening many new doors. An app that you created could potentially lead to you running a big company, and a blogpost that you posted could lead to an interesting conversation with a stranger.

There are endless possibilities..