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Is exploration the most important thing in your 20s?

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In the beginning of this year I decided to wait to complete my master thesis. I came to this decision because of multiple reasons. I questioned if I had chosen the right master’s programme and decided that the best option for me would be to change master’s programme later this fall.

Since then, I have continued reading some courses at the university while I have been exploring what I want to do with my life. So far, I have started multiple blogs that I have grown to 10 000 visitors each month, started a youtube channel, developed multiple websites and an ecommerce business with two of my friends.

It has been a lot of work, but it has also been a lot of fun.

Why should you explore in your 20s?

After trying a lot of thing for the past couple of months I have come to the conclusion that exploring life in your 20s is something that everyone should do.

It’s important to explore to get an idea what you want to in the rest of your life. It’s impossible to know what you want to do when you are young, but by exploring different areas you can have a better idea what you want to do in life, or what you don’t want to do.

One of the things that I have tried in the last months is Youtube, and this is something that I have wanted to try for a while. At this moment, I haven’t gotten many subscribers on Youtube, but like the creative aspect of youtube. I must say that it’s fun to create youtube videos.

If there is something that you have wanted to try for a while I think that you should explore that area.

Reducing the risk for a future mid life crisis

I believe that trying more things in your life could be a way to reduce the risk for a future mid life crisis.

It seems like a mid life crisis is something that many people experience in life. One reason for this could be because they realize that what they are doing are not getting them any value or happiness.

You can’t be happy everyday, and everyday won’t be perfect. But it’s important to do things that you want to do, since you only live once.

And how do we know what we want to do? We explore in life and try more things.

The connection between exploration and learning

Another reason why you should explore more things in life is because of the learning aspect.

When you try new things and explore new ideas you will learn a lot. Not just how you do different things such as how you edit a video for youtube. You will also learn more about yourself.

Exploring different ideas can also increase your self self-esteem and confidence. Since you will develop news skills and pursue your own interests. When we are young, exploratory play is also an essential part for our learning.

How can you explore more things in life?

I think that there are many ways that you can explore more things in life. For example, you could do something simple such as learning a new skill, try a new activity or a new type of food.

It doesn’t need to be something big. Sometimes the small changes are the best, since they can be easily maintained in a longer perspective. For example, you could have a rule that you should try a new type of food each month. These habits can make our daily life a little bit better.

I also think that we should try to do others things that we have wanted to do for a while, such as learning programming or maybe starting a business.

It’s important to also remember that you can start small. If you are starting a business you don’t need to go big from the beginning.

If you don’t yet have a clear idea how you want to do it, it can be better to go slow in the beginning and maintain the small habits so that you can build something bigger in a longer perspective.